This is podcast about Richmond, VA. Each episode we interview someone about their personal experience and how that comes to life publicly.
What types of people do you have on the show?
Anyone doing interesting work that has an interesting story to tell. We talk to all types of people— musicians, public officials, restaurant owners, business leaders, educators, artists and everyone in between.
What does the name mean?
We believe that every person is really two people. They have two sides: the personal and the public. Who you are exists at the intersection of those two. By “personal”, we mean who you are at home. It involves involves your background, your experiences, your perspective. By “public” we’re referring to the person you are when you’re out in the world— when you’re at work, at a meeting or buying groceries. We want to learn more about those two people.
Why a podcast? What’s the benefit of audio?
There’s a richness to hearing from someone in their own words. You get more context. You hear the inflection in their voice, the fullness of their laughter, the thoughtfulness of a reflection. We believe audio helps us to listen to people in a different way.
What’s the point of all this?
We love Richmond. We’re aiming to provide you with insight about our region through the stories of the people who live here. It’s an exciting time to live in Richmond, yet there is still work to be done. We hope that as you listen to others’ stories, you’ll consider your role in making the region into the fullness of what it could be.
I host the show, so you’ll hear my voice a lot. I’ve lived in Richmond for a little while and I have a deep affinity for the town I call home. I love the texture of this place. I’m curious about people and am fascinated by the experiences of those who are not like me — people with an interesting hobby, people from the other side of town, people with a different take on things. There’s something to learn from everyone.
Hey y’all. I produce the show. I’m the one in the background pulling levers to get Two People to your ears. I moved to Richmond when I was 6 and like many others, have found it impossible to leave (in a good way, not a Hotel California way). There are so many things that make Richmond an increasingly interesting place to live. I believe it’s because of the people and I’m captivated by the idea of getting the story behind their story.
Theme Music by NO BS BRASS